Maternal & Newborn Care

This is a very special time in a person’s life to be pregnant or having a newborn baby.  This can also be a highly stressful time in your life as well.  Let us take on that stress for you.


We are able to provide tailored services for pregnant individuals that may have a high risk pregnancy and be instructed by your physician to be on bed rest.  Or you’re pregnant and experiencing tiredness, weakness, or swollen feet and don’t have the energy to attend to your household chores or personal care needs.  Let us come in and ease your worries and take care and cater to you.


We are able to provide services to you and your newborn.  After delivery you are trying to recover from the labor and possible C-section that you had to endure to bring your beautiful baby into this world.  Let us help you with your personal care needs, household chores, or run errands during this time.  We can also help with your newborn feedings, holding, playing, etc. to allow you time to rest.  Feel free to contact us for consultation or additional questions!